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Blurring Boundaries – Exhibition

Blurring Boundaries – Exhibition

6 July 2024 

Tianli Zu - Image supplied by artist.

Blurring Boundaries is Tianli Zu, a Chinese-Australian multimedia artist, research-based solo exhibition. The exhibition showcases installation, drawing, painting, light projection, and the artist’s signature hand-cut-out works.

Blurring Boundaries explores the stories of Chinese migrants who came to the Shoalhaven region in the 1820s. Zu delves into themes of identity, belonging, and cultural heritage in the context of the Australian landscape. Zu shares fragments of memories collected during her interviews and reimagines the past by utilising interdisciplinary techniques.

Zu’s work offers viewers an experience of the interplay between light and shadow, yin and yang, east and west. Her hybrid methodology is a metaphor that symbolises the Chinese migrants’ experience in Australia. Zu’s work manifests the inseparable relationship between humankind and the environment.

Image courtesy of the artist.



☏   02 4429 5444
From $16
21 July 2024
2 October 2024
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